

Short hiatus

フォロー数:527 フォロワー数:48295

Oh my god people, do you really wanted me to roast you that much, I'm not sure how to do it but I'll do it.

0 23

Comment your nickname, and I'll roast you.

I'll leave this for an hour since I'm still drawing, now go.

4 109

まだ.... お楽しみです

18 80

Oh my god, I'm so sorry to that CERTAIN person, I did send a spider related thing and now he has arachnophobia.

1 38

Heyyyyyyy anti's mad yo check this out. Weren't you threatening me the other day?

2 94

Before I go to deep sleep lets do this cringy thing.

41 141

Today I learned. Thanks kind sir.

0 4

Boobs are an adult characteristic, that's why Smash players are against them.

126 681

Hmmmnnn yes. Armpits gang where you at?

10 107