

🐼 that draws and games on Thursdays 9pm PST

フォロー数:1333 フォロワー数:597

thank you for the raid and sub <3 Hope you like the little doodle i did!

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Happy lunar new year everyone :) wishing everyone good health and fortune. Take care 🥰

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first art stream of the year! thanks for dropping by and giving me stuff to draw. Was literally sitting 30 min before the stream trying to figure out what to draw! :D

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This comic because it pretty much summed up my last few weeks of 2020 😂😂

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2020 was a dumpster fire. Lets hope for a better 2021?

Im thankful for the friends and family I have to have kept me sane during 2020 and their endless support <3 Please remember to take care of yourself and I'm hoping 2021 to be nicer to everyone 🥰🥰 Take care. Be safe ❤️

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Merry Christmas 🥰

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Gonna try and doodle a little something for people who sub to my twitch :D first one for <3 thanks for dropping by!!

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Finally caught up to the storyline 😭😭 wish I was streaming it lol. It was amazinggg 💯💯💯

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