

Νεχ ποσσυμ τεχυμ ωιωερε, νεχ σινε τε.

23, otp trash, crybaby at your service

Read Pandora Hearts and Rebirth

Banner by @seira_berry
Pp :@seira_berry

フォロー数:1947 フォロワー数:213

Hopefully I can catch the stream uwu (credits : all designs by BluC)

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OH NOOO blanks are the worst QAQ I'll drop my babies here uwu

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Mars 2020 ! C'est un design pour ma carte de visite (avec mon ancien pseudo HAHAHAHA...) et aussi un chibi très récent car j'en suis très fière uwu

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Your art is godly 🥺 Maybe one of my babies uwu (credits : Hakiren, Seira-berry x 2, Deviledleg)

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Yes. A future charm design uwu Angel Deku, and Devil Bakuboi, and Angevil Todoroki will follow /o/

I'm really happy with it so RT's and likes are rlly appreciated <3
更に 向こうへ, Plus Ultra!

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//gently places my baby here

Your art is incredible ! I am glad I could discover you through this raffle <3

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Trying my luck and dropping my boys uwu your art is amazing !

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questioning life choices rn

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I JUST FOUND YOU BY TULIBLU'S REPLY OMG YOUR ART IS INCREDIBLE ! Feel free to use my kids 😊 (crédits : Seira_berry x 3 & Hakiren)

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