

Pangolino is a global network of volunteers, scientists, and pangolin enthusiasts committed to bending the curve of pangolin decline. #artforpangolins🎨

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1. Take a fun quiz to see which figurative pangolin best represents your personality (don't forget to share your pangolin personality type with others):

2. Learn interesting facts about pangolins:

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(Day 7: Love the Pangolin): What is your pangolin personality type!? Tell us which you are! Tag family and friends and have some fun!

More personality types here:



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(Day 5: Cultural significance and perceptions): In the late 90s, people in many east African tribes believed burning scales repel lions (a major threat to livestock). We are not sure if this practice continues to this day.

Art: Tchatchou B.

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(Day 4: Threat): Temminck’s pangolins are threatened by accidental electrocution by electric fences used to protect game & livestock farms, esp in South Africa & Namibia.

Please retweet and follow our event.
Art: Kačka C.

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(Day 4: Threat): DYK the US was a major importer of products until around 2000? Pangolin scales were used to make boots (costing up to US$1,500), belt & handbags.

More and Source:

Art: Kačka C.

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(Day 1: Ecology): are more closely related to the order Carnivora (cats, dogs, bears) despite looking more like Xenarthrans (anteaters, armadillos, sloths).

Like. Retweet. Art: Emily Pardoe-Billings

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(Day 1: Ecology):
are insectivores, feeding mainly on ants & termites, possibly helping to regulate ant/termite populations. They also enhance diff soil processes- nutrient cycling & aeration when they excavate burrows.

Retweet! Art:

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Day 11: Swimming Pangolin

White-bellied and Sunda pangolins are good swimmers 🏊‍♂️. Onto Day 11 of the Pangolino Art Challenge – PANGOLIN EATING ANTS! 💚 Don’t forget to tag PANGOLINO. Have fun.


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Day 10: Rolled up pangolin

What do you think of the pangolin's defence mechanism of rolling into a ball? Onto Day 11 of the Pangolino Art Challenge – SWIMMING PANGOLIN! 💚 Don’t forget to tag PANGOLINO. Have fun!


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Day 6: Black-bellied Pangolin

Black-bellied pangolins have the longest tail of all pangolins. Onto Day 7 of the Pangolino Art Challenge – INDIAN PANGOLIN! 💚 Don’t forget to tag PANGOLINO & most importantly, have fun!

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