

She/Her. A blog dedicated to my idiocy, obsessions, and (sometimes) my art. Pfp made by @JellyZombies Previously known as @/AnnePaternoster

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Here's a lazy doodle I did today~ I still suck at bgs lol

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I've only known Dream Corrin for a day but if anything happens to him I'll kill everyone and then myself

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Day 22 of !! I drew Libra in the pjs I wore. I’ve waitin to draw him so I’m happy I finally did!!! Accidentally made him more blond than I intended but I think he turned out kinda well otherwise.

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Guess who finished before midnight? 👀👀👀 Day 13 of may be my favorite piece so far! I've always been a fan of dark mages, ESPECIALLY depressed bisnie ones. It just so happens that Lyon is one of the most tragic bishie villains in the series so far lol.

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Day 12 of is stealin' my heart today! Aaand all of the items on the field if you aren't paying attention. The handsome hurricane of a man, Legault! Scan's kinda blurry today since I used my watercolor inks and YOU KNOW HOW WATER N PAPER DO;;;

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OKAY, here are days 10 and 11 OF infantry and shapeshifter! I still can't believe I forgot to attach the pictures lol :') Day 12's should be done around midnight so I'll post it when I'm done!

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Day 9 of and Lucius miraculously lived through the coloring phase~ =w= As far as light magic users go, can you ever go wrong with gorgeous priests? I don't think so lol. As for yesterdays piece;;; MAYBE in an hour or so she'll be posted... :'d

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Day 7 of and OH BOI was it deceptively hard. Flutes suck, my dudes. On the other hand, flutists make amazing expressions when they hit high notes soooo~~ >:3c But I drew Nils for day 7's theme and experimented w/ cool colors more!

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Day 5 and we have (my fave) flier! Poor Reyson is always drawn with an angry or worried expression in his official art so I wanted to make a happy, if not smug, one! He also reminds me of why I don't draw elven characters/designs 😷

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So I’ve been experimenting with some watercolor pencils recently and I think I love them?? I painted a Splatoon OC and I’ve made her super into anthropology! Or, uh, vertibrology...? She likes anything that had a vertebrae and that’s all she knows!

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