

The public Twitter for Twitch Streamer, Papadjinn. Writer, artist, lyricist, and gamer of color. Love @pntszedprncess

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Join us over on the channel to help our little Fox friend in Tunic~! The Djinn Fam is on the road to 300 and we'd love to have you.

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Although twitter will absolutely kill the way it looks I'm sure, I've updated the magic pebbles appearance. Tell me what you think~

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The Djinn Fam if at it again! Bits, subs, and promoting the stream! and so many others have been KILLING IT. Plus we're on the road to 300!! Love you all

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Have you liked, shared, or boosted your homies today? Plant seeds of positivity so fruit of opportunity will grow!

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I'm too flattered! You don't even know!!

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The Djinn Fam and I had a great day talking about spooky stuff today! Got to give a large shout out to and for using my spooky story redeem during the stream. They introduced some very interesting and fun stories for me to read

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Definitely another one for the "Hell Nah" folder.

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