

| Twitch affiliate | She/Her 🏳️‍⚧️ | Demon Envtuber | Avatar by @MoonBuVR - | Horns & tail by @Wolfs_Den_3D |

フォロー数:941 フォロワー数:46754

So my goal is to hit 10 k before the year end. Gonna push myself harder and become even better.

1 41

It’s okay to dislike something you quit but plz don’t take away from other peoples enjoyment of it. Being 24/7 anti the thing you quit means you havent truly quit it. It’s one of my pet peeves, I do not enjoy being around people that just base their personally being anti culture

3 33

Discord is not a therapist, there is real help out there. Sorry if sounds harsh but that is one of the reasons I don’t have a venting channel and stuffs.

3 55

Stupid trend🙃

Icon vs owner

2 139

Family art made by the cutie

6 60

10 off from hitting 6k

1 16

Trying to resist to not make fun of new twitter trends

0 27

follow my cult (made by )

4 25