

@Celestial_dance 's art account rip
Had to make this because my other major account is private ;;

フォロー数:185 フォロワー数:60

No fanart, real people, fan characters, ferals.
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This was an old Chibi of Capella for Symmetrical_neko on DA. Gah I’ve gotten so much better since then lol

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I’m just going to share old drawings hahaa this child was a test for hair shading. Still no name ;;

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LOL I doodled this for an outfit thread but I couldn't get it right ;; I had a bad art day yesterday ahaha
The OC belongs to HikioLukio on TH

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A small gift for a DA friend ;; Luciiespirit <3

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Thank you so much for the opportunity ;; A4 is <3 I adore your art so much omg

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And this of my idiot child Roxie

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I designed myself a bb and I drew him all firey and stuff

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