

loving Viego (Kevin) is a full time job and gamer I’ve never called in sick 🤍❤️
need PK3 icons, papuvin connoisseur
i'm 20+ & she/her
icon by @bekkomi

フォロー数:1739 フォロワー数:28952

we got stomped that game but anyway have apelos legs on swains splashart

40 709

merry kissmas 😊 merry kysmas 😡

64 1077

Ghosts of the Christmas Past, Present and Future

62 865

crystal rose splasharts are also so funny to me because girls are having a good time separately but J4 and Ez splashes look like the could be the same scene from 2 perspectives almost

84 860

QT your banner so everyone can see your brand


7 174

Reddit avatar thing allows Viktor to be even more kitty

77 834

Boss: I don't want a daughter.
Child: *hugs him anyway*
Boss, 5 mins later:

86 487