Lily / Paraplyさんのプロフィール画像

Lily / Paraplyさんのイラストまとめ

Lily (or Maren) ✷ autistic children's book and stationery/merch illustrator ✷ she/her ✷ contact(@)paraplue-illustration(.)com

フォロー数:636 フォロワー数:8726

doodled for fun and tried out some brushes 🧡

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February's theme is fruit party, with Mo and friends dressing up as fruits! It's loosely based on Karneval, which nowadays I actually despise because around here it's loud and full of drunk, unrestrained people. But as a kid I loved dressing up and catching candy on the parades!

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I haven't made a character introduction post for quite a while! The plain truth is ... I would like my tigress to be next and I still don't have a name for her 😭 ...
I'm open for suggestions :> !

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time to get spooky 👻🌕🦇🎃

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Zur Feier des Tages verlose ich noch einmal ein Exemplar meines Buches (inkl. Versand) !
🌎Ihr müsst eine Versandadresse in Deutschland haben
🌍retweetet diesen Post
🌏und verratet mir in einem Kommentar eine Sache, die ihr an unserer Erde liebt :>

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fun commission for the lovely ❤️

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✷🌍Mein Bilderbuchdebut erscheint HEUTE🌏✷

Es heißt "Ein kleiner blauer Punkt", wird von Magellan verlegt und ist ein erzählendes Sachbuch über unser Sonnensystem. Da die Buchläden ja gerade zu sind würde ich mich umso mehr freuen, wenn ihr ein paar RTs dalassen könntet❤️

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got commissioned by to draw her lovely Dante ❤️

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my entry for the art contest!

This is actually 9 years old, I drew it directly after I played the game back then, bc I just loved those two and their complex tragic relationship. PL3 still remains one of my absolute fave games and it had a huge impact on me!

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some more colour practice!

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