

레진 클라우드 (연재중) / 봄툰 섹다르게 해요, 양탈 (완결)

フォロー数:20 フォロワー数:393479

<Lost in the cloud> We are running a discount event for each episode until the 23th.

Episodes 3-6 → 1 Coin
Episodes 7-25 → 2 Coins

❗️<Lost in the Cloud >is serialized only in ‘Lezhin Comics’.
(Please use the official website)

111 940

클라우드 41화 업데이트 되었습니다.

519 3205

클라우드 40화 업데이트 되었습니다.

Episode 39 of <Lost in the cloud> will be released on December 24th! :)

783 4196

Yesterday, I found an absurd image on a social media site.
There was a logo on the cover of my manga that I didn't know who made it, not the official logo of <Lost in the Cloud>.
This was the most unpleasant experience I have ever had in my life.

80 745

클라우드 39화 업데이트 되었습니다.

독자님들 다시 만나 뵙게 되어 너무 기쁩니다!! ಇ( ˵ᐛ ˵) ಇ
이제 남은 1일부 무사히 완결할 수 있도록 준비 열심히 했습니다.
기다리게 해드려 너무 죄송하고 또 기다려주셔서 고맙습니다

279 1675

레진코믹스에서 <클라우드> 3화 무료 이벤트(11.1까지) 진행 중입니다.
많은 관심 부탁드립니다. :)


60 398

<Lost in the cloud> We are running a discount event for each episode until the 20th.

Episodes 3-6 → 1 Coin
Episodes 7-20 → 2 Coins

Please pay a lot of attention!
thank you:)

<Lost in the Cloud >is serialized only in Lezhin Comics.

89 630

Lezhin Comics is hosting a free event for episode 6 of <Lost in the Cloud>.
Let me ask of your attention.
Thank you!;)


<Lost in the Cloud >is serialized only in Lezhin Comics.

49 416

클라우드 38화 업데이트 되었습니다.

Lost in the cloud Yeon skylar (9)

<Lost in the Cloud >is serialized only in Lezhin Comics.

137 1200

클라우드 37화 업데이트 되었습니다.

Lost in the cloud Yeon skylar (8)

<Lost in the Cloud >is serialized only in Lezhin Comics.

즐겁고 건강한 추석 보내세요
다음주에 뵙겠습니다~😘

465 3119