

clover | 20 | they/he | MILGRAM, LOONA, bandori | art account | sakurastroll.carrd.co | 0703 = block

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:280

never give him a gun again

40 102

sayotsugu in the snow for bucket secret santa ☕🍟

45 73

i dreamt futa and yuno played pokemon
like, in milgram

67 179

Amita's work as Aya will always have a special heart in my and everyone's heart, as sad as it is that she has to leave like this, she left an incredible impact on anyone that's seen her perform
She will always be Aya 🌸💗

8 40

ALRIGHT. the retrospring requests. ayahina and tae for the very mysterious anons

22 53