

Pencil drawing artist. I love to draw pictures in pencil. Mainly scenes of the UK from the past and present.

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Progress on my fantasy style drawing for my daughter. Showing the various layers going into the background. What are your art plans for the week?

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I have finished my latest and will scan it at some point soon. I loved the texture of the new paper but it damaged so easily despite being 300gsm 🤷‍♂️. May use the rest just for a sketchbook ✅

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My eldest daughter took my original drawings into school today to show her class. It’s good for my to see daylight! As usually, when completed and scanned, They are put into my art folder and can remain unseen for years!

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New titled ‘Preaching in Chester’. A lone street preacher preaches in a crowded street. The shoppers walk past and ignore him, but he carries on all day anyway.

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The rear view of the War memorial in Kirkham, Lancashire

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They are the pencil/graphite 'realism' drawings I used to do years ago, like the one below of Croston in Lancashire.

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I have decided that my week off will to be 1% decorating bedrooms and building flat pack furniture, and 99% taking Bailey for long walks!

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R.I.P Floppy and Ginger. Sadly put to sleep within a week of each other. Our garden isn't going to be the same without you guys around :(

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