Paul B. Raineyさんのプロフィール画像

Paul B. Raineyさんのイラストまとめ

My graphic novel Why Don't You Love Me? is out now from Drawn and Quarterly. Winner of the Observer Graphic Short Story Prize 2020. Cartoonist for Viz.

フォロー数:581 フォロワー数:1858

Check out my website for lots of comics you can buy that I’ve made over the years.

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What the B stands for (and it’s not ‘bastard’). From my next big project, working title “Murder School”.

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I self-published two comics during 2022, Gripe Night and A New Canon. Physical and digital copies are still available to buy from my website here.

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Here are some of my home made comics you can buy from me using my online shop.

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Ideal Christmas gifts for a tenner or less, direct from me, the artist!

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Love Star Wars? Hate Star Wars? Can give or take Star Wars? This is my comic, A New Canon, available to buy direct from the artist at my online shop.

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I’m not at this weekend. In fact, I have no upcoming events scheduled. So a good way to get ahold of my comics, real and digital, is via my online shop.

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I didn’t like my first draught of this panel so redrew it.

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You can now buy downloadable digital versions of all my self-published from my online shop for half the price of their physical equivalents. Save loads of money, especially if you’re not in the UK!

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Find that isn’t cockney enough for you? Than why not try my comic, A New Canon?

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