

Video editor. I like monsters.

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My time to shine

6 221

The Mother Mechanicus, Herald of the Knights of Pythia.

This painting is one of my absolute favourite pieces of 40k art and I’ve been wanting to try and adapt it for years.

173 1050

White Dwarf very kindly let me paint up a Wraithknight which you can see in the preview below! The full issue contains loads of amazing Beil-Tan goodness by brilliant hobbyists so don't miss it!

37 683

Sorting through some bits boxes and having to face difficult decisions.

4 169

I’m going through a Ghibli marathon, and I’ve always wanted to try really lush & verdant bases. Does anyone has any methods/tips/greenhouses?

5 148

Its mostly just to hide the gaps in things.

0 11

I was lucky enough to be given a few Blackstone Fortress characters to paint early! Obviously - I went by who has the best hats.

14 221

Damn you guys are on it tonight.

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