

23|(she/her)|Blondsepticeye #evileye989 Scott/Irish witch Arizona trash since 2002 (YT Nov. 15, 2015). Bi Demi (engaged) . Twitter layout by @koryabeebee

フォロー数:1786 フォロワー数:750

Quote and retweet to other artists you know! And post 4 pictures of your art to it!


1 8

Ok guy here it is fully done! Marvelsepticrye and for fun let's make this a DIYOS challenge give me your best shot so I see it end tag me!

3 24

Guess I made it princess-esk but I did marvin next is jj.... Should be fun!

3 23

God's now you got me wanting me to do marvin as a pirate captain though I already did both Marvin's as Mermen look!

0 7

Hey I wanna call on my artist clan and any others cause I wanna see a in your own style challenge of my venom marvin I just wanna see what you guys come up with cause I'm not feeling well mentally for wanting to draw anything so draw plz?

3 22

Nice also hehe I have a imaginary friend I call Anthony here's a remaster draw I did of him with me!

0 5

Hang on I'll do some poison marvin

0 6

You deserve it I mean you heck no look I just did this last night look and it's still rising

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