The Pencil Case Projectさんのプロフィール画像

The Pencil Case Projectさんのイラストまとめ

The world is your coloring book

フォロー数:2 フォロワー数:42565

- Nyla
Age: 28
Hometown: Colmenar Viejom, ES
Favorite Snack: Pan con Tomate

Nyla is a matador. There’s really nothing funny about bullfighting

The animals are so beautiful it hurts. She thinks maybe she has about 2 good years left in her

She has no idea what to do next

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- James
Age: 19
Hometown: Miles City, MT
Hobby: Rappelling

James is the cartoonist for the college newspaper. He draws little interactions he sees on campus. The editor thinks his stripes are boring. Oh rly?

Maybe his work would be more riveting if the paper printed color!

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- Colby
Age: 56
Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Favorite Snack: Chestnuts

Colby is a singing chestnut vendor near Central Park

The real fun is communicating with customers by changing lyrics to suit the conversation. Sometimes customers respond in song

There’s a lot of laughter

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- Thomas
Age: 12
Home Town: West Bountiful, UT
Favorite Snack: S’mores

Thomas is a middle schooler with his own slime business

He watched tutorial videos & started experimenting with texture & fragrance

Classmates love his cookie dough slime with plastic chocolate chips

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- Anna
Age: 25
Hometown: Jervis Bay, NSW
Hobby: Coin Collecting

Anna is a DJ

Her trademark is her koala mask

She started with a vintage plastic one that was really sweaty & uncomfortable

Then a fan offered to custom make one

This one has LED eyes & is quite breathable

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- April
Age: 42
Hometown: North Platte, NE
Favorite Snack: Cherry Tomatoes

April is a tap dance instructor at the town community center

Tuesday’s class is for 5 year olds

Their uniform is red leotard & black tights for girls & red t-shirt & black pants for boys

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- Greg
Age: 68
Hometown: East Greenville, PA
Favorite Snack: Snap Peas

Greg teaches arts & crafts at Camp Green Lane

His favorite projects are god’s eyes & pantyhose potato heads

Both were big hits in the late 70s but it seems like now kids just want macrame iPhone covers

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- Lola
Age: 70
Hometown: Des Moines, IA
Hobby: Ice Fishing

Lola is an art therapist for adults

She believes talk therapy can only take a person so far and drawing has brought her out of some dark places, so she knows it can work

She’s been in private practice for 24 years

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Age: 64
Hometown: Old Greenwich, CT
Favorite Snack: Blue Cheese

Deangelo is a children’s birthday party clown

He hasn’t booked a party since 1988 but he still uses the business cards

Independently wealthy, he has the largest collection of tin globes in the state

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- Kristina
Age: 30
Hometown: Allen City, KY
Favorite Snack: Watermelon Cubes

Kristina is a chef with extensive raw food training

Should she venture outside Kentucky for increased opportunity?

Does she owe it to her community to better their lives through raw veganism?

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