

oh hello there seems you’ve discovered me in the void ( banner from @/ kaykey_18 )

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Congrats Twitter, you get to see the art first before I do my last touch ups haha

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A WIP of an upcoming PC of mine for a game I’m hopefully going to be playing in. Still have a few things to clean up. She might also be my along with her partner if I decide to not use her for my game

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Oh the conflicting sides of do I keep it similar to the OG art or just go buck wild and yknow make a real Deep Sea Titan?

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Said finished drawings. Lovely characters that I’m glad I got to draw.
(No idea how the quality will come out but let us hope!)

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Floating in a state of perpetual non-existence

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Other random things, color palette practice and some concepts & sketches

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Effect practice also colors n stuff ??

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Mmmm au concepts because yeha
Also I can finally do stuff again. Fun

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