

return to me, for my heart wants you only… 🧡@finalgirl

フォロー数:307 フォロワー数:1042

someone help this girl. she’s an english professor

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30. which side playthrough did you enjoy the most?

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19. are you a fan of the live action remakes?

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8. have you played the revelations game? which is your favorite? would you like to see either of these remade?

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hey i have several questions

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wtf did they do to him..

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[BREAKING] Mark Zuckerberg reveals he has no plans to fix social media apps until an ALIEN chapter is confirmed in Dead by Daylight. “Where is it?” Zuckerberg has been quoted as saying, “Survivor mains should suffer by the hands of the Xenomorph."

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idk why but these types of expressions are sooo sexy to me.. i love when artists draw characters looking just out of their mind and not caring

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