Peter James Maggsさんのプロフィール画像

Peter James Maggsさんのイラストまとめ

Storyteller, documentarian of the bizarre & illustrator of spooky creatures and well dressed adventurers. He/Him. Read Ghost Jones

フォロー数:1115 フォロワー数:321

Day 4 of

The prompt of the day is Robot.
This was a tough one. I wanted to create something that read like a robot but still felt completely supernatural, and to me, those are polar opposites.

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Day 2 of today the prompt was Aquatic.
I've always liked in movies when ghosts are made to look like they float as if they are underwater.

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Who could this be showing up at Viktor's door?
New page of Ghost Jones up on webtoons

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A new page of Ghost Jones went up today, you should check it out. This was a fun one to do.

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Hello, I'm Peter and I like to draw creatures and spooky things. My favourite Pokemon is either Haunter or Sableye, ask me another day and my answer is likely to change as there are so many great ones.

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After a long journey comes to an end, our heroes lay down for a well deserved rest Day 31 - Time for a Well Deserved Rest!

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After the travellers manage to calm the demon it curls into a ball and starts to radiate energy as it floats above our heroes and settles down to the ground as it returns to its true form. Day 29 - Magic Loot

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My webcomic is about a magical P.I. and his police detective partner in a small town called Gloomshire. Follow them as they learn to work together and solve the many phantom related crimes that happen in this quaint little town.

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After delving deeper into the ruins of the castle, they finally face the creature they have been sent to confront. It looks large over our heroes and they stand their ground (well one of them does at least) Day 28 - Boss Battle in Dungeon

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As the warlock leads them deeper, they pass a small creature examining rocks. They ponder him for a second before he notices. He gets up and starts trying to sell them his rocks. The warlock beckons them on and away from the small man. Day 26 - Coal Miner ⛏️

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