@petrichormoon on tumblr | not active here anymoreさんのプロフィール画像

@petrichormoon on tumblr | not active here anymoreさんのイラストまとめ

25 🌿 White 🌿 SFW 🌿 AuDHD 🌿 Genderfluid Lesbian 🌿 BLM + ACAB 🌿 OC Artist 🌿 I block NFT/AI Art/Pedo/Zoo supporters 🌿 💙☁️ @.petrichormoon.bsky.social

フォロー数:783 フォロワー数:454
# wcotw

5. Lyceus - he was originally gonna be for this werewolf RP group but i never ended up joining it ;; so idk what i want to do with him. He's just off the wall and loves cryptids and aliens and conspiracy theories. Also like one of my first human characters outside of dnd

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4. Lyn - For a Sci-fi dnd campaign! She's a Wild Magic Sorceror Tabaxi and is... baby. Though any time she has a wild magic surge she basically goes feral. Her colors were based on a set of dice that i picked up that I really, really love <3

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3. Chamomile (Cammie) - A sylveon whos basically Darkrai's personal assistant / secretary. She is perpetually exhausted, but very calm and coordinated with a little sass to her. Was for a PMD style DND campaign. If i run a fun ask blog later on, she's my pick.

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2. Macchiato - Was originally gonna be a mascot for a closed/semi open species i was gonna make called Macabreves! I still might make them someday but they're gonna need alot of work before they're ready. Macchiato is a quiet yet sweet soul.

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I need practice with that lineless style so how about a raffle?

- Must be following me- new followers can enter!
- Retweet + drop ref in replies
- Winner wins 1 lineless fullbody in the style below
- 1 new winner every 30 retweets
- Ends August 17th at 11:59 PST!

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i am.... Thinking about this piece of Ryso i did WAY BACK when i was in XotiathonOCT and honestly... im thinking about re-doing it? and making it a series with all of the Exopolis characters (i'd only use 1 or 2 types of flowers this time tho gsfdh)

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heard it was your OC's for !

This is Sorrelbird and Amberstar respectively, my two main warriors OCs for a fan story called Sorrelbird's Choice!! they're pretty basic refs right now but i do hope to make something fancier for the two later <3

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PSYCHE - They/them - ???
And the design most people would recognize! They were renamed from Sybil recently. They are a magical fox entity that has magic that lights up paths through dark forests -- almost looking like auroras on the ground. They're quite mysterious in nature.

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VEGA - He/She/They - 20

Vega is by all terms a baby. A Nervous, Soft, Anxious wreck of a Snow leopard. They are just anxious all the time and have sleep problems. They're very shy, but can be quite sweet once they open up. was once a comic character but i ended up scrapping it

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CASPIAN - He/him - like 24

Caspian is your local beach bum serval. He just likes to vibe and runs a local shop selling souvenirs and trinkets. I ended up drawing him with clothes because it felt.... Weird.... not drawing it. i think he's my only plantigrade furry oc

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