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Happy Easter Sunday Y'alls. I hope you all have a good, fun, and safe one.
Art by

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Art By
Some TF for tf Tuesdays! Carnivorous cat-tails only eat cats so I thought I was safe. Only when I found myself turning into a lion boi did I realize I was in quite a bit of trouble. Great idea really brought to life by Aku!

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Art by and Luco is
Because glyph needs big paws and maws and bellies full of Hyenas. Ain't that the truth? I really love this image but you know; paws, maw in maw, belly bulges and being a jerk is a lot of my buttons being pushed.

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Art by
Look even at the worst of times I'm a big fan of some big paws and pool-toy tf and while I was going to save this one for just the right day, someone might have put me into a get pooltoy tfed... how did that happen?

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Art by and Malte is
Malte puts the fun in Gryphon. Or maybe I put the Malte in Gryphon. Whatever works, its time for the buns curtain call!

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Art by
Some Windragon vore and TF! With some paws for good measure! I love this kinda combo and if you can't tell by now, am very partial to any soft fluffy dragons. mrrrs!

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Art By and Alexia Is
Oh, well, that wasn't very long at all! To be fair its tough to be prey when I'm in raptor mood, but not to worry, no one, specially Buns are harmed in the making of big belly bulges!

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Art by and Alexia Is
Poor Bun really can't get a break can she? Those big old stompers can keep a raptorship at bay but for how long?

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Art by and Bunnah is
Pokevores with Rayquazards! I'll be streaming some rejuvenation for a good chunk of the day if you wanna see me learn a bunch about pokemon by getting my teeth kicked in!

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