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フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:798

There's No Such Thing as Jason - I.T. page 136-137! Bring up bad things...

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There's No Such Thing as Jason title illustration exercise~! Love tightening up lil sketches.

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Simple little Jason and Day colour sketch featuring fruit shakes! Jason loves tart fruits and Day likes syrupy sweets~

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Knee-jerk reactions are so genuine, I love them. Day and Dim reveal a lot about their interplay by such instances!

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Grabbed that sketch of Jason and slapped him in a conference room for atmospheric painting practise~

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Jason sketch! I really really wanna try to animate his stride, he's got a cool way of walking (in my head).

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Little fire starters, oh my oh my.

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Looking at the pictures people take on their phones is a little weird sometimes~

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Gang's all here! Holden Hall's much nicer than the natural science library.

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Marta from Wonder Netherworld for St. Patrick's ! Her colour scheme is adorable in green.

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