Phil Cockcroftさんのプロフィール画像

Phil Cockcroftさんのイラストまとめ


フォロー数:723 フォロワー数:1481

tbh I’ve got a lot 😂 , here’s some more....

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Self-isolation has given me the time to finish this 😅....
Portrait done in ballpoint pen, background in watercolour

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Ballpoint sketch & acrylic painting on 450x610mm canvas, along with the reference photos

In the past I would had opted to do the painting in black & white as usually struggle with skin tones.. however, trying to push myself & really happy with how this turned out

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A couple ballpoint pen portrait commissions & the reference photos completed last month ✍🏼

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I’ve got some availability for commissions on the run up to Christmas..

As well as footie sketches I also paint landscapes, animals, portraits, bedrooms... generally anything tbh..

Just give me a message if you’re interested 👍

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Haha, just randomly been followed by a Consuela account

No... Nooo

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