

Husband. Father. Owner of Dogs. Author of prohibition era sci-fi/historical fiction-fantasy mashups “It Gives You Strength” and “Harvesting Earthlings…”

フォロー数:6074 フォロワー数:5649

HARVESTING EARTHLINGS FOR FUN AND PROFIT “The author's combination of memorable characters, historical events, and technological advances are fit for a sci-fi show or movie! If you enjoyed Gladiator, Alita Battlefield Angel, the Hunger Games, or Chappie, then check this out!”

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“The author's combination of memorable characters, historical events, and technological advances are fit for a sci-fi show or movie! If you enjoyed Gladiator, Alita Battlefield Angel, the Hunger Games, or Chappie, then definitely check this out!”

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Award winning author and host of The Writing Wall Podcast, Stacy Hawks, gives FIVE STARS to HARVESTING EARTHLINGS FOR FUN AND PROFIT.
“Philip Raymond Brown does it again in this action-packed, fun, historical sci-fi mashup….” Stacy Hawks.

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