

🖊 Published Writer•Artist•Gamer•Cook (She/Her,Bi,Mom) Writer|Co-Artist On • UberQuest, Mousechievous! 💖Husbando @skidddog 📖WebComic @uberquestcomic ⚛️

フォロー数:724 フォロワー数:4814

Another little thing I did for the upcoming - probably make it into stickers/buttons or magnets? :Oc

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Preview of some buttons we are working on for Anthrocon. always makes my doodles look spiffy with his inks.

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Its from this originally, I really liked the expression and wanted to make my own.

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Made some silly UberQuest themed reaction images, sourced from other files. Enjoy.

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Progress on the Kibbles Dakimakura - this is just the front side~!

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Whose's a good boy? Scrab is! Mimic themed stickers and magnets coming soon!

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Dante is channeling some Michonne here - but I love it ;w; !

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We're only $82 away from 21k! :o! That's only $2,082 from our 23k goal! :D

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