

I'd rather be reading a comic book. I try to follow the simple ABC's of tweeting: Always Be Civil.

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I’ve never met the man, but I don’t think anyone could walk away from reading Flash 776 without getting the impression that is deeply in love with the medium of comics. Every page demonstrates that and makes me love this series more in return.

1 10

If you’ve been reading the series, it will come as no surprise that Snelson didn’t have a happy ending. Even without that, though, this was biting social commentary and beautifully illustrated.

8 14

Finally catching up on Snelson: CID from . As one has come to expect from the brand, this is quality satire that is thought provoking regardless of what side of the aisle you are on. For the record, I would totally subscribe to Bratbox if it were a real thing!

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After the movie last night, of course I had to read where the Suicide Squad was in comics this week. Over in Swamp Thing Mike Perkins finds the perfect balance between creepy & beautiful (although credit also belongs to ). gives us more insight into Levi.

1 10

Why does it feel like forever since I’ve been able to talk about an comic? We got even more twists and turns in this issue of Wrong Earth as the pieces are coming together for a tremendous climax. & may be my favorite creative duo right now.

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It is probably the heighth of decompressed storytelling that it took an entire issue to go from the end of last issue to Crush actually reaching Lobo’s prison, but I enjoyed this issue too much to complain. Funny, touching, great art. I’m really enjoying this series.

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There are a handful of iconic visuals associated with the Alien’s franchise, and is intent on giving all of them to us! This has been much more than a bloody rampage (although it is that as well), as the plot is full of twists and tough moral conundrums.

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Was it meant to be a surprise that Hack was behind the Wall's breakdown? Because that seemed obvious to me. This was a nice character study on Amanda Waller. is quickly becoming one of my favorite artists. needs to give him an ongoing assignment soon.

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