

D&D n pinups!

フォロー数:241 フォロワー数:512

I'm not sure if these made it into but I had fun making them 😌

1 7

Partly based on this old McCall's pattern.

4 19

Hello I'm Ro, I draw pinups and the occasional small frilly creature.


7 24

Early Halloween card because it's 2020 and dates mean nothing any more.

12 37

Consistency? How dare you.

(Plus bonus creature round!)

3 16

Small friends are here to drink tea and play boardgames.


30 51

Hello, my name is pigbee and I love crumpets more than any human should.

0 5

Credence has a heart of gold and a fist of stone. She tells the rest of the party off for hurting people but she uh... she once sat on a guy's chest and crushed him. It was an accident.

(She also tried to suplex a kraken once but let's not talk about that)

1 7

I'm making some little paintings for the background of a thing and I like this lil hedgehog lad.

7 27

Work: What have you done today?

Me: F R O G

20 111