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LIFE PILLS, discovered by the Rev. C. CARRINGTON, Vicar of #Berkeley, To alleviate the tortures of Spasm, Gout, Rheumatism, Cholic, and Nervous Afflictions, with superb success.' https://t.co/HsptYmrGm1 #histmed
'So while he slept, his spirit warm,
The Lord did conjure from his form
A maiden of such pulchritude,
She gave no hint of pending feud...' https://t.co/MH6n9p8MeB < #poetry #humour
Nostalgia In Reverse https://t.co/Ucoi7vVURY #NationalPoetryMonth
#art Charles Vickery
Holding Their Breath https://t.co/GtG1WtxiSl #EdwardJenner #smallpox #BerkeleySeries #18thCentury #historical
.'Is that the gardener
by the naked apple tree
come to pluck muscling weeds
from virgin lily-beds?
They have expunged my love
from the overwritten page...'
Paradise Glimpsed https://t.co/p1wTvaPeT6 .#EasterDay
'...harmony and hostility
vying with each other;
it's difficult to know
where it's coming from.
has never been
a feature of the Feast...' https://t.co/visnCWTqEe #PalmSunday #Jerusalem
'He raised their brother from the grave
when heart and hope were gone
and by their willing trust revealed
how hidden glory shone...' https://t.co/juKEnG44VB < #PassionSunday
“Your Majesty should know that Berkeley did confide in me years ago and enjoined upon me the necessity of silence. He stated that Miss Tudor was his wife and the worst used woman in the world.” https://t.co/ichcZzvhaR #18thCentury #historical #biographical
'There she goes again, they say,
stirring the dust,
her sandals treading air
as if she were about to break into some
mystic dance, the steps ordained.
There she goes to the spring,
bearing an empty vessel...' https://t.co/yYsYYfJc0O < #Annunciation
Sorolla: Virtuoso of Painted Light https://t.co/aelREDLegS An imagined monologue as the painter briefly reflects on his life, his brush skimming and darting over his latest canvas < #art #Sorolla