

YouTuber, Artist, Singer, (Novice) Animator, & Chocolate Enthusiast. Work Email: [email protected]

フォロー数:56 フォロワー数:2816

I know it’s highly improbable, the mirror of Twilight was shattered, Midna’s probably dead/really old, but am I the only one who sees a design connection here???? Am I just crazy???? I NEED TO KNOW

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Idk why, but when I tried to draw the whole squad in an anime style, Nya and Ann are the only ones who turned out alright 🤷‍♀️ Anyway, hope y’all enjoy, and that the Japanese isn’t, like, horribly incorrect XD

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Oi! People who actually have robot drawing skills! Help me out maybe? This is just a rough first sketch, but where are my weak spots? What can be improved?

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Y’all seemed to like my Princess Twilight art, so, here’s something I drew last year. I think it turned out alright.

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Just designed my very first Pokemon! I’m still new to the fandom, so 1) does this grass squid bad boy look good? Original? And 2) what the hay should I name him? I’ve got nothing lol

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Who can tell me which fan fiction these are from?? (Ye, I drew dis)

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