


フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:130
# dnd5e

Two more Zelda RPG character sketches.

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Got tagged by for an art train. Here's a mix of some newer and some older.

I don't know who to tag, but feel free to hop onto the art train!

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I'm playing the new 2020 Blood Hunter(Ghostslayer) in a wild west themed 5e adventure. I'm running him like a paranormal bounty hunter, and I'm having a blast! Thanks for everything!

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Spooky ass chasme demon drawn for Out of the Abyss!
Want OotA art for your game? Help yourself to mine! See my pinned post to my Google Drive link!

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Vrock demon let loose in the Underdark, for Out of the Abyss. Feel free to use this and my other art for your own games! See my pinned post for more free RPG art.

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Mistress Ilvara Mizzrym, a drow priestess and slave-trader in Velkynvelve who seeks to rise in her station. From Out of the Abyss.

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For all you DMs wanting to run Out of the Abyss, I'm working on a pack of maps, character and monster art, and tokens. I've finished chapters 1-3!

Please take and use these Underdark materials for free!


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Asha Vandree, an ambitious junior priestess to Lolth residing at Velkynvelve. From Out of the Abyss.

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Shoor Vandree, leader of the Velkynvelve guard and lover to the Drow priestess. From Out of the Abyss.

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Jorlan Duskryn, a disgraced Drow after a black pudding attack.

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