

i live to create. i create to live. Creative Director; currently working with: @SomethingClassc @MyFamiliarRPG @ForgeOfTheFae

フォロー数:677 フォロワー数:8702

Do i have any followers that are also l337 pixel artists looking for some quick $$$ between now and end of year?

Need somebody to churn out non-animated bosses and monsters in this style.


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tfw when is early but i'm still gonna put in 2x the work tmrw.

8 56

Busy week means sneak peak
You can help me figure out for next week, do we go:

A) small house w/ big interior on a separate map?
B) big house and you explore a cramped interior, but on the same map?

5 34

on this episode of possibilities i'm not gonna realize

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Since is trending, here is one of my first

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haha sneaky cliff. it's getting better by the minute

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randomly missing my grandma and black/white imagery kept triggering those thoughts, so colored some random things that make me think of her and that era.

1) quixote picasso she had hanging up,
2) neighborhood watch sign in her window,
3a) dragon warrior stairs,
3b) piano keys

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