

🇦🇺 Generative Artist || From the darkest of moments comes the brightest light ||
CircolorsDAO || Trackmania 🏎


フォロー数:1833 フォロワー数:4309

5/7 editions
Swapped for 5 tez

Link below

0 5

*satisfied humming* 😊🎶

No need for shaders 🤙

1 8

All these posts about the twitter algo
Fuck off I'm busy thinking about my art algos
Either you see the wips or you don't, I don't care, I'm gonna share my art regardless

0 16

Part-way through a rebuild of a wip

2 20

Pixelwank: Manifesto

fx(text) article ⬇️

13 83

Trying to add some pizazz and irregularities

3 26

p5 -> mj -> p5 again

Love the results 🤯😍

2 21