

Pretty introverted so may not say much. Mostly Digimon stuff/screenshots. Lot of Shoutmon. Do like games and Medabots too though.
Occasional game streams.

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:546

Anyway I did another check for more of the manga Shoutmon. Since pics is what I assume most actually follow me for.

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Hey another one of these came up, do keep it, you know below an age rating incase anyone wonders my stance on that. Only got Sol mind.

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Atomic Robo Tesla from Atomic Robo, comic can view online that's really fun. Jumps around timeline quite a bit so that I believe is from a bit with Young Robo, guy was made by Nikola Tesla. Also one of his reoccurring antagonists is Dr. Dinosaur, he's fun.

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...Maybe I do just have a fondness for white hats/outfits. Fancy ones at least. Given Sols look and I actually, really like this one.
Both do have pointy teeth actually for other connections on what appeals there.

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I has some sleepy/sleeping Shoutmon still saved. He’s better at it then I am.
…Oh! Sol’s cape could double as a blanket. Wonder how that would look.

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Sometimes I swear the cape on Sol is bigger, and maybe the hat as well though could just be the shoutmon V thing.
Though I was imagining using it to hide in a corner to avoid being spoken to since can't quite sink his head 'into' it. Or as a blanket, they should double as those.

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There are even a few pieces of concept art of Klonoas design for the film looking it up as well, he had a yellow coat in it and I really like that look on him but it's totally unused cause it got canceled.

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Odabia day! I got nothing new here so have some old smiling Shoutmon. As I write stuff on forum, I will do things like a Symbareangoramon shipped with Gokuwmon cause I feel like it. I dunno why I picked those two.

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Hm well seeing this, sure. Since I haven't really done anything with Sol since naming them, even if they are based on myself/inside joke.

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Seeing concept art of Solatorobo Red had me thinking that those more punk outfits would fit Strabimon. Maybe, different colour though. Hm. Even has goggles.

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