

Mom of 3 🌱Japanese speaker |日本卒 🌱Beauty | Lifestyle 🌱Motherhood Supermom KOL Award 2023 🏆 📩 [email protected]…

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We both purposely took leave yesterday to watch Suzume no Tojimari at GSC. Bawa Uwais juga sebab dia tengah cuti sekolah kan.


If you are a fan of Kimi no Na (Your Name) & you love Makoto Shinkai’s piece, GO RUN AND WATCH THIS BESTIES!!

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To all who concerns :

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Put a little effort for breakfast today and voila~ 😍 Mentang2 husband work from home kan semangat buat breakfast sedap 😁 Nak resepi tak??

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Pizza homemade from scratch done! Takleh letak hashtag kapijacooks sebab satu family buat sama2 (kecuali Zayn haha). Sebab Uwais alergik so tak boleh makan pizza dkt kedai, we have to made it ourselves. So Uwais seronok gila tadi dpt makan pizza ☺️

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Btw what is your favourite Japanese drama? Share with me nanti agak2 ada banyak baju bertimbun nak dilipat boleh tengok ahhaha

My fav are Pride & 1 Litre of Tears. These two I dah tengok berbelas/berpuluh kali sampai I dah hafal skrip dia 😂

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