

side account where i try to be a better book reader and a better artist

フォロー数:132 フォロワー数:1961

i had to look up references for kurapikas outfit for this fanart challenge but im stuck weeping at these photos please look away from me i cant think about this right now

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pick up all the pieces (and whats left of my pride) // robins origin story through andrews pov, with even more emotional growth with an added bonus of andrews scathing running commentary (also w/ some cute andreil moments sprinkled throughout)

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dont rock the boat, dear // 5+1 fic where andreil call each other petnames and go through what the kids call emotional growth and shared recovery

0 1

i hc that sometimes neil calls andrew darling and andrew calls neil dear in response and its all very ironic (until it isnt)

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i was forced at gunpoint to post this old sketch

55 227

A2 monty and percy. percy joins him screaming about 0.2 seconds later and they stack it hard

22 46

1E + 1O andreil. they compete for worst bedhead

80 289

kaz brekker. i have one thing to say to you

2 7

spinel/pink pearl

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