

▪art villain▪ block N/F/T+crypto dorks

フォロー数:966 フォロワー数:20254

another bump + detail, why not. Pleased with these boots and also for drawing legs ...well? I often tell people how I can't draw legs so I just 'don't draw them'. Trying to get out of that habit 🦵

0 32

never judge a book by its cover, sure, but these pieces by Doug Beekman and David B. Mattingly respectively are convincing me otherwise

11 89

warm up sketch (drawn with thumb + trackpad)

2 80

This very good album I did this artwork for (The Gates of Horn and Ivory by Dust Mothers) is out today!

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as usual, if you'd like me to stick up any of my pieces that aren't on there, let me know
(can't promise everything, ie: if its a commission or something but you're still more than welcome to ask)

1 16

I like making work that's colourful, otherworldly and a little unsettling

CW: gore , body horror

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2nd theme for was 'I Scream, You Scream, We Scream for Ice Cream'

2 64

prompt 'Gripe Night'

rent free

9 98

Morning bump + a horrid detail for you sickos

CW // gore / body horror

10 52