

Exchange Art → t.ly/QHrya
FND → t.ly/3hPpY
Objkt → t.ly/0EIOr
HUG → t.ly/1y5ZY

フォロー数:2164 フォロワー数:3301

GA all. More experiments and building in variation.

17 109


A little recap of my output in 2023 so far…4 projects, all listed on Foundation.

Ekiben - Chubu

7 59

A lovely triptych of the 'Tiles' style for

Hexcodes has been live for just over a week and I've been so happy with the response it has received.

There are now just 4 pieces left on primary until sell out. Can we make it before the weekend hits?

🔗 in bio

4 35

I'm a huge fan of 's densely textured and expressive abstract work, so I had to mint from her first Drops collection on Foundation.

Here's 'Layers of the Mind


2 25

Hey! 👋

Approximately 24 hours until my new drop 'Hexcodes' is released on .

85/85 editions
0.015eth each

A little 🧵 about the collection 🔽

15 42

Sometimes I wish I had something more profound to say than GM, but GM.

26 143