Giveaway Stationさんのプロフィール画像

Giveaway Stationさんのイラストまとめ

Devoted Husband and Father, Lover of Magic the Gathering, Listener of Phish, Fan of NY Sports, Maker of Alters, Giver of Stuff, Abuser of Exclamation Points!!!

フォロー数:1042 フォロワー数:3387

25/X Some more Marvel mashups.

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25/X Some more Marvel mashups.

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24/X And here's the next batch of DC mashups.

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24/X And here's the next batch of DC mashups.

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23/X Here's the next batch of Marvel mashups.

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23/X Here's the next batch of Marvel mashups.

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22/X And this is the first batch for DC.

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22/X And this is the first batch for DC.

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21/X Comic books were my first true nerd love, so when I started doing crossovers, it was only a matter of time before I did some Marvel and DC mashups and I had many flavorful ideas, so I ended up doing 18 alters for each comic book universe. This is the first batch for Marvel.

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21/X Comic books were my first true nerd love, so when I started doing crossovers, it was only a matter of time before I did some Marvel and DC mashups and I had many flavorful ideas, so I ended up doing 18 alters for each comic book universe. This is the first batch for Marvel.

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