

41/♀/Pisces artist-event coordinator. I occasionally make art - sew plushies and paint #jacksepticeye #ohmnation #teamsavages 🍭🐰🔪🍌

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Heres some more art from your edc trip after your accident and when you got 1st at mario kart against brian

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Second time at sea world in San Antonio- you best belive it that I wore my best . Ran into a few other deliriousarmy members too. Also I got super splashed by the orcas lol. That water was hella cold!!

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I'm praying for buddy tonight. My heart feels heavy though just imagining what ohm is going through right now.

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here you go. I didn't know what Pokemon you prefer so I went with Charmander. Hope you see this. ✌😸

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Some of the early digital stuff I drew this year (got them off my Instagram account. Jan-march time frame.

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here's some art j made earlier this month. How you get to see this one.

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Look my doodles have been colored. Now they are in techinicolor.

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