

kore/ahiru/fawn ♡︎ any prns (he/they preferred !)♡︎ 6teen ♡︎ artist ♡︎yumetwt ♡︎ #1 Guzma lover ♡︎ very self indulgent

フォロー数:818 フォロワー数:1556

One of Lunith’s forms
You’ll rarely see them like this though

3 22

They’ve had top surgery before lmao

0 16

I have no idea how I did this-
I will say that I made her titties too small though

1 19

I think I’m gonna start drawing like this more

1 11

Digital painting is fun but idk how to fuckin do it.
But here
Have the rat Eden

1 17

I love this new style

1 15