

台湾人です、日本語を勉強中、読むO、聞く△、書くX。 ASMR大好き! マブラヴ、ポケモンも好きです! 好きな声優さん:悠木碧さん、中原麻衣さん、種田梨沙さん、前田佳織里さん、長谷川育美さん、ゆかなさん、 芹澤優さん、宮坂雪さん 最推し:柚木つばめさん(@re_re_tsubame)

フォロー数:1523 フォロワー数:235

She is a voice actor from Japan.
Yuzuki Tsubame don't abuse Twitter like other users who post spam and pornographic videos.
She is able to bring warmth and smiles to people in different parts of the world.
Please don't freeze her account

0 3



She is a voice actor from Japan.
Yuzuki Tsubame does not abuse Twitter like other users who post spam and pornographic videos.
She is able to give people warmth and courage
Please don't freeze her account

3 12

Just as you have released other users who have suffered account freezes
There is no reason why Yuzuki Tsubame should not be released from the freeze.
I hope you will be fair to her.
I hope that she will be released from the freeze.

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柚木つばめさん( )

5 17

She is a voice actor from Japan.
She didn't violate the rules of Twitter.
This week, please also consider unfreezing her account
I really appreciate it.

0 4

She is a voice actor from Japan.
She didn't violate the rules of Twitter.
I hope that you can give a violation of the specification of the use of instructions
or a warning to the user before freezing
I will not give up the complaint

2 6

She is a voice actor from Japan.
She didn't violate the rules of Twitter.
Maybe she really did violate the rules of using Twitter
But I think everyone has a chance to be forgiven
Please give her that chance.

1 3


4 15

She is a voice actor from Japan.
She didn't violate the rules of Twitter.
She is our sun, our light
Her tweets always give warmth to the people in the world
I hope you can unblock her account and give her another chance to use it,Plaese.

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