

⸬⸫⸫⁘⸪⸫⸫⁘⸫⁘⸭⸬⸫⁘⁎⁘⁘⸫⸬⁑⸬@klondk⸬⸫⁘⁎⁙⸬⁘⁘⁎⸫⸫⸪․⸫‧ ‧‧⸪⸬⁘⁘⸫⸫⸭⁙⸬vignettesga.me // nuts.game⸪⸪⁙⸭․⁙⁘․⁎⁘⁘⸫⁎⸫⁘⸪⸪⁘⁑⸫․⸭⸫⸫‧⸫‧⁘

フォロー数:636 フォロワー数:4842

anyway here's my entry from the biweekly drawing club on theme "living in a vegetable garden"

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fuckin lets go lets GO

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"now that i have more free time i'll catch up with some groundbreaking experimental indie games and do more reading"
3 minutes later:

0 37

keeping this to use as a react next time someone asks me to hang out after a day spent on jitsi calls and/or arguing online

0 4

i'm still mostly leaning back after the release of NUTS but i took a minute to update my hire me page, if that's ever something you'd like to talk about (hiring me) https://t.co/iNyCbUQGIE

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hb 💞💞 some snowscapes from yesterday

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tennessee aquarium logo fanart of some sort?? (this is from the weekly drawing buddies group, the prompt was to do a landscape inspired by any entry from https://t.co/GpIuwzzC02)

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illustrated two tweets for the weekly drawing club

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2021 week 1 moodpack

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