Poliana! [Commissions Open]さんのプロフィール画像

Poliana! [Commissions Open]さんのイラストまとめ

COMMISSIONS OPEN~~ I'm 23y/ artist/ brazilian/ I make drawings for fun 😛

Do not repost my art without my permission ❌

フォロー数:1060 フォロワー数:230

Oi oi 👋☺ eu sou a poli e esses são meus desenhos mais recentes

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Eu to 👀❤

Meus preços:
*Half Body-R$10,00
*Full Body-R$15,00

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Exercise Time

-This character belongs to me.

Watch the speedpaint here:

Hora do Exercício

Personagem pertence a mim.

Assista o speedpaint aqui:

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I'm Poliana and these are the drawings that I'm most proud of!!!

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Hello there 👋😊 I'm Poli anf these are the drawings that I like the most!!!

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Oi eu sou a Poli e eu faço desenhos desde pequena mas começei a mostrar resultados melhores nesse início de ano ❤

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Hi there 👋😊 I'm Poli and I'm a brazilian artist, things have been hard for me and my family and making commissions is really helping right now. If you could help by commissioning me I will be very grateful!!!!
Here are some examples of what I can do.

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Shy Beauty

-This character belongs to me.

Watch the speedpaint here:

Tímida Beleza

-Personagem pertence a mim.

Assista o speedpaint aqui:

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Sou a Poli e eu tenho desenhado desde pequena mas só tenho colocado mais esforço nos meus desenhos nos últimos anos, ainda estou me aprimorando mas estes são os desenhos que eu mais me orgulho!!!

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-This character belongs to me and outfit was designed by proud_ultimate_gaymer.

Watch the speedpaint here:

-Personagem pertence a mim e o design da roupa foi feito por proud_ultimate_gamer.

Assista o speedpaint aqui:

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