Hopefully soon these won’t be about my wisdom tooth removal, but I slept pretty much all day today because the right side of my face is still so swollen and painful!
Even though I’m still recovering from the wisdom tooth extraction, I’m feeling a little better today so I put on real clothes! Momo has been cuddling with me and I’ve been thinking about all the costumes I’ll be putting him in soon. 🥰
I’m in my lazy clothes today because I’m getting my wisdom teeth out in 50 MINUTES! This is happening! About to take my woozy pill for the drive over and had to squeeze this in first.
I’m terrified, but after 13 years of putting it off (no joke, they have records of when I came in as far back as 2006), I’m finally getting my wisdom teeth out on Thursday! I’m so ready for my face to not hurt anymore. 🦷👀