Paul O'Leary McCannさんのプロフィール画像

Paul O'Leary McCannさんのイラストまとめ

吾輩は素数である。NLP developer, working on tools for Japanese. Help run @tokyo_indies. Fan of ginger.

フォロー数:795 フォロワー数:1812


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One of the first published books to promote the use of romaji was a translation of Max & Moritz!?

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Playtesting a new card game at Picotachi!

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Had fun at games night this week with Konamon!, the game where you share a kitchen but not victory by . Has a great bash-the-leader mechanic - I enjoyed playtesting this and the final version looks great, including the Horrible Chicken Man.

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ポトゥの小説のイラストだけでちょっと足りなかったので、雰囲気が似ている作品のイラストも少し入れた。ここの巨人はもちろんラピュタにいるガリバーで、反乱はディキンズの小説「Master Humphrey's Clock」より。

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You didn't tell me there was an episode of Ojamajo about you!

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TRPG time. By Yukihisa Fujita for a Magius RPG design contest, from RPG Dragon 1995 May issue.

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"Fragment of Marine" is a demo of a color-changing ring-hopping action puzzle game by . It already shows a lot of promise - looking forward to the full game!

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