

Covering video games, entertainment, and the culture around them. We find, share, and investigate the things you love and the people who make and enjoy them.

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Monster Hunter: World’s new Iceborne expansion will add a new elder dragon and a lot more this September https://t.co/g5Q7rePvyf

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Magic: The Gathering is killing off a major character, and it will issue a new Signature Spellbook in their name. https://t.co/s9fPbUC83z

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Drawdog, from the creator of Wandersong, is a playable coloring book where staying in the lines doesn’t matter https://t.co/aj76Do6DJN

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"Todd Howard and I once got into a 45-minute-long screaming match about how high werewolves should jump." - Mark Nelson, writer and quest designer of Elder Scrolls 3

Presenting the oral history of Morrowind: https://t.co/GJVWCj5Ciz

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To celebrate The Elder Scrolls’ 25th anniversary, we tracked down 10 former team members for an oral history of the game that changed everything: Morrowind.

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Eric Powell () on 20 years of The Goon, and the return of the character in a brand new book: https://t.co/FhbkvOk9JF

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A developer responds to criticism that the romance in his game doesn't seem authentic, and the internet rallies behind his confession: https://t.co/2m79LqiQaP

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Steam users rally around developer who has never ‘experienced love’ https://t.co/dnkNtp4V0f

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Making games for a living means being in constant fear of losing your job https://t.co/7OBodF5DwN

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Young Justice: Outsiders funniest episode still says something about the fallen Wally West


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