

glasses enthusiast, hobby artist. Generally tired. Draws whatever whenever 【蟲師, i7, mhyk, hq, zesty 】

フォロー数:236 フォロワー数:450

[timelapse 55min] see me trying different brushes and then giving up and going back to my defaults

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7) yes I drew minami in the oshi question but I like haruka and sometimes I struggle to separate character bias from my VA bias...

1 7

I liked how I drew their faces so um here's a zoomed in crop of my doodle

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tamaki & arthur

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...I didn't give him the sleeves because I didn't want to look for the design refs...

0 1

There wasn't really a point to this comic. Well, the drafts were 3 years old, so if there was actually a point then I forgot what it was lol (2/2)

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