

buntasan owes me a lobotomy

フォロー数:223 フォロワー数:253

whats thks guys name again

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Hi there guys its me ! U know! World famous bestible . renowned for being normal and regular! if u follow me i will be the most normal and regular person in ur vicinity ! not to mention , funny and awesome and really cool!!!

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Giant Fucking Headed Baby Gang. Tag All Your Giant Fucking Headed Baby Friends

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promo time Hi there im melty slash festival slash cider slash[car crash sfx] u love me dearly and this is a fact. i can be ur new best friend. free of charge. dont even worry about it

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promo tweet :) its me ur beloved ball im the most regular guy this side of twitter. i like girls and 2d idols and i have a great fondness for fictional father figures as well as two beautiful children (kitties) and if u dont follow me ur gay

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piepie promo time itsa meeee fesible ur local awesome guy freshly born idolish7 fan among other things likee pjsekai and yakuza and persona and stuff. im awesome and not cringe i promise (smiling suspiciously)

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Tbh guys tbh promoing too guys i need cool and awesome people to follow me dni if ur not cool or awesome

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murr and the great calamity! 💎🌝

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