

21 \\ ⚠️ sometimes suggestive content \\ short men in short shorts lover \\ you can call me popo!

フォロー数:342 フォロワー数:31504

👀👀 Oh?
(young Yorke from Drawtectives)

9 117

(Drawtectives) Office Shenanigans

76 798

He's Drawtectives Yorke. A cool guy and a hot orc. Please don't tell Jancy.
(harhar) I made a haiku.

40 676

ah magic.. i hope Don and Buzz come back later on in the Drawtectives series 🥺🥺

14 291

Finally have time to c r e a t e ☺️☺️
(Damien and Oz/Yellow with braces - Monster Prom)

3 15

What if... i drew... the new drawtective chefs.. haha just kidding... unless..?

75 862

Financially challenged detective Rosé from the Drawtectives series :)

77 1002